Table of contents

Ontologies (1):

IDIOM Schema

Classes (57):

Activity Type , Actor Appellation Type , Ancestor , Archaeological Coordinates , Artefact , Artefact Orientation , Artefact Shape Type , Artefact Type , Condition Type , Custody , Date , Discovery , Divine Tutelary , E 12 Production , E 17 Type Assignment , E 21 Person , E 22 Man Made Object , E 3 Condition State , E 35 Title , E 36 Visual Item , E 39 Actor , E 41 Appellation , E 42 Identifier , E 44 Place Appellation , E 47 Spatial Coordinates , E 48 Place Name , E 5 Event , E 53 Place , E 54 Dimension , E 55 Type , E 57 Material , E 67 Birth , E 69 Death , E 7 Activity , E 73 Information Object , E 74 Group , E 8 Acquisition , E 80 Part Removal , E 82 Actor Appellation , Entity , Epigraphic Actor , Epigraphic Group , Epigraphic Information Object , Georeference Point , Grand Parent , Group Type Actor Role , Non Epigraphic Group , Non Epigraphic Person , Parent , Performing Actor , Place Type , Relation , Sibling , Source , Spouse , Technique , Visual Document

Properties (163):

acquisition Type , activity Title , activity Type , actor Name , actor Name Type , additional Identifier , alt , alt Actor Appellation , alternate Name , archaeological Coordinates , artefact Type Preference , assigned By , attribution Type , bibliographic Citation , birth Date , calendar Era , child Of , collection , condition Type , creator , current Custody , custodian , date , date , death Date , depth Relief , descendant Of , description , diameter , divine Tutelary , dynastic Count , explorer , exposure Above Floor , family Name , finding Spot Of Remains , form Of Existence , former Custody , gender , geonames ID , given Name , gnd ID , grandchild Of , gregorian Date , group Type , haab Input , haab Unit , has Actor , has Archaeological Coordinates , has Confidence Level , has Digital Object , has Georeference Point , has Shape Type , has Unit , has Unit Weight , has Visual Content , height , height Butt , height Low Carving , height Sculptured Area , identifier , identifier , identifier Type , in Situ , inventory Number , is Qualified By , is Referenced By , is Shown By , lat , long , longcount , name , naming Related Activity , note Id , orientation Of Artefact , P 1 is identified by , P 100i died in , P 102 has title , P 107i is former or current member of , P 108i was produced by , P 113i was removed by , P 121 overlaps with , P 122 borders with , P 126 employed , P 128 carries , P 12i was present at , P 131 is identified by , P 138 represents , P 14 1 in the role of , P 14 carried out by , P 16i was used for , P 17 was motivated by , P 2 has type , P 22 transferred title to , P 23 transferred title from , P 24i changed ownership through , P 3 has note , P 32 used general technique , P 41i was classified by , P 42 assigned , P 43 has dimension , P 44 has condition , P 46 is composed of , P 62 depicts , P 7 took place at , P 70 is documented in , P 74 has current or former residence , P 87 is identified by , P 89 falls within , P 90 has value , P 91 has unit , P 98i was born , pagination , performed By , perimeter , place Name , place Name Type , place Type , position Of Artefact , pref Actor Appellation , preferred Title , producer , profession , related Activity , relation , relation , relationship Child , relationship Descendant , relationship Divine Tutelary , relationship Grandchild , relationship Relation , relationship Sibling , relationship Spouse , rights , secondary Finding Context , shape Description , sibling Of , source , source Child , source Descendant , source Divine Tutelary , source Grandchild , source Material , source Relationship , source Sibling , source Spouse , source Technique , spouse Of , tgn ID , thickness , title , title , title Type , type , type Of View , tzolkin Input , tzolkin Unit , visual Document Title , visual Document Type , was Found At , weight , width , width Base Carving , width Sculptured Area

Glossary (1 entries)


IDIOM Schema

IDIOM Schema (Ontology) Definition

This is the metadata schema for non-textual objects of the project 'Text Database and Dicitionary of Classic Mayan'


The URI of this ontology is


Activity Type , Actor Appellation Type , Ancestor , Archaeological Coordinates , Artefact , Artefact Orientation , Artefact Shape Type , Artefact Type , Condition Type , Custody , Date , Discovery , Divine Tutelary , E 12 Production , E 17 Type Assignment , E 21 Person , E 22 Man Made Object , E 3 Condition State , E 35 Title , E 36 Visual Item , E 39 Actor , E 41 Appellation , E 42 Identifier , E 44 Place Appellation , E 47 Spatial Coordinates , E 48 Place Name , E 5 Event , E 53 Place , E 54 Dimension , E 55 Type , E 57 Material , E 67 Birth , E 69 Death , E 7 Activity , E 73 Information Object , E 74 Group , E 8 Acquisition , E 80 Part Removal , E 82 Actor Appellation , Entity , Epigraphic Actor , Epigraphic Group , Epigraphic Information Object , Georeference Point , Grand Parent , Group Type Actor Role , Non Epigraphic Group , Non Epigraphic Person , Parent , Performing Actor , Place Type , Relation , Sibling , Source , Spouse , Technique , Visual Document

Activity Type (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55 Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ActivityType comprisies concepts referring to the type of a idiom:Activity. Examples are: "destruction", "war", "wedding", "accession", "modification", "exhibition".


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Actor Appellation Type (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ActorAppellationType comprisies concepts referring to the type of appellation of an crm:E39 Actor. Examples for appellation types are "birth name", "death name", "dynasty name".


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Ancestor (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

Archaeological Coordinates (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E44_Place_Appellation and therefore "comprises any sort of identifier characteristically used to refer to an crm:E53_Place". In this domain-specific context idiom:ArchaeologicalCoordinates referring to identifier used in an archaeological or excavation context to identify a certain crm:E53_Place by using a reference system regarding archaeological practices.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 44 Place Appellation

Artefact (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is subclass of crm:E22_Man-Made_Object and therefore describes "physical objects purposely created by human activity". In this domain-specific context idiom:Artefact describes all artificially crafted objects of Classic Mayan society that may or may not carry epigraphic content, an inscription and/or visual information. It differs from crm:E84_Information_Carrier, because an idiom:Artefact is not stringently required to be specifically designed for the purpose to carry information. Examples are (1) the Temple of the Cross of Palenque, (2) Yaxchilan Lintel 8.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 22 Man Made Object

Artefact Orientation (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ArtefactOrientation comprisies concepts specifiing the orientation of a idiom:Artefact as observed at a idiom:Discovery.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Artefact Shape Type (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ArtefactShapeType comprisies concepts referring to the shape of an idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

In use

This class is used in has Shape Type

Artefact Type (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ArtefactType comprisies concepts referring to the type of an idiom:Artefact. Examples are "stela", "altar", "bowl".


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Condition Type (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:ConditionType comprisies concepts referring to the physical state of a idiom:Artefact. Exmaples are "restored", "abraded", "painted over".


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Custody (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E7_Activity and therefore "comprises actions intentionally carried out by instances of E39_Actor that result in changes of state in the cultural, social, or physical systems documented." In this domain-specific context idiom:Custody describes periods, where instances of idiom:Artefact are hold by a crm:E39_Actor. It differs from crm:E10_Transfer of Custody, because it does not describe the act of transferring objects, but the period in which the objects are hold. This allows to assign instances of idiom:Artefact to a collection of the holding institution or person. An example: Jade plaque of a Maya king (idiom:Artefact) is in custodial care (idiom:Custody) of the British Museum (crm:E39 Actor) and is part of the Maya Collection.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

In use

This class is used in collection custodian former Custody

Date (OWL Class) Definition In use

idiom:Date allows to assign calendar dates representing a time span to crm:E5_Event. Due to research practices idiom:Date consits of dates used by the Mayan calendar system (Long Count and Calendar Round) and by the Gregorian calendar system, as both can be converted to one another.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity

Discovery (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E7_Activity and therefore "comprises actions intentionally carried out by instances of E39_Actor that result in changes of state in the cultural, social, or physical systems documented." In this domain-specific context idiom:Discovery describes the act of finding instances of idiom:Artefact by a crm:E39_Actor. Examples are (1) the discovery (idiom:Discovery) of the Yaxchilan Lintel 8 (idiom:Artefact) by Teobert Maler (idiom:NonEpigraphicPerson); (2) the discovery (idiom:Discovery) of Coba Stela 1 (idiom:Artefact) by the Third CIW Coba Expedition Group (idiom:NonEpigraphicGroup).


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

Divine Tutelary (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

E 12 Production (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

E 17 Type Assignment (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

E 21 Person (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 39 Actor
This class is a super class of Epigraphic Actor Non Epigraphic Person

E 22 Man Made Object (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of Artefact Visual Document

In use

This class is used in P 62 depicts

E 3 Condition State (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity

In use

This class is used in condition Type P 44 has condition

E 35 Title (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 41 Appellation

In use

This class is used in P 102 has title title title Type

E 36 Visual Item (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Epigraphic Information Object

In use

This class is used in has Visual Content P 138 represents

E 39 Actor (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of E 21 Person E 74 Group

E 41 Appellation (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of E 35 Title E 42 Identifier E 44 Place Appellation E 47 Spatial Coordinates E 82 Actor Appellation

E 42 Identifier (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 41 Appellation

E 44 Place Appellation (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 41 Appellation
This class is a super class of Archaeological Coordinates E 48 Place Name

E 47 Spatial Coordinates (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 41 Appellation
This class is a super class of Georeference Point

E 48 Place Name (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 44 Place Appellation

E 5 Event (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of E 67 Birth E 69 Death E 7 Activity

In use

This class is used in date P 7 took place at related Activity

E 53 Place (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity

E 54 Dimension (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity

E 55 Type (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of Activity Type Actor Appellation Type Artefact Orientation Artefact Shape Type Artefact Type Condition Type E 57 Material Group Type Actor Role Place Type Technique

E 57 Material (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

In use

This class is used in P 126 employed

E 67 Birth (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 5 Event

E 69 Death (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 5 Event

E 7 Activity (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 5 Event
This class is a super class of Custody Discovery E 12 Production E 17 Type Assignment E 8 Acquisition E 80 Part Removal

E 73 Information Object (OWL Class) Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Entity
This class is a super class of Epigraphic Information Object Source

E 74 Group (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 39 Actor
This class is a super class of Epigraphic Group Non Epigraphic Group

E 8 Acquisition (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

E 80 Part Removal (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 7 Activity

In use

This class is used in P 113i was removed by

E 82 Actor Appellation (OWL Class) Definition In use

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 41 Appellation

Entity (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class comprises all things in the scope of discourse of the IDIOM metadata schema.


The URI of this class is

This class is a super class of Date E 22 Man Made Object E 3 Condition State E 39 Actor E 41 Appellation E 5 Event E 53 Place E 54 Dimension E 55 Type E 73 Information Object

Epigraphic Actor (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E21_Person and therefore "comprises real persons who live or are assumed to have lived." In this domain-specific context the existence of an idiom:EpigraphicActor is proved by epigraphic evidence manifested in instances of idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject. This includes persons who were part of Classic Mayan society, such as kings, priests, scribes and scupltors as well as agents who where part of Classic Mayan mythology such as deities and mythological creatures. idiom:EpigraphicActor is disjoint from idiom:NonEpigraphicPerson. Examples are: (1) K'inich Janaab' Pakal (March 603 ā€“ August 683); (2) Itzamna (the name of an upper god and creator deity thought to be residing in the sky).


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 21 Person
This class is a disjoint class of Non Epigraphic Person

Epigraphic Group (OWL Class) Definition

This class is a subclass of crm:E74_Group and therefore "comprises any gatherings or organizations of two or more people that act collectively or in a similar way due to any form of unifying relationship". In this domain-specific context the existence of an idiom:EpigraphicGroup is proved by epigraphic evidence manifested in instances of idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject. This includes groups who where part of Classic Mayan society, such as ruler familiy or dynasty, priests, scribe and scupltor schools as well as agents who where part of Classic Mayan mythology such as deities and mythological creatures. idiom:EpigraphicGroup is disjoint from idiom:NonEpigraphicGroup.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 74 Group
This class is a disjoint class of Non Epigraphic Group

Epigraphic Information Object (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E73_Information_Object and therefore "describes identifiable immaterial items [...] that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single units." In this domain-specific context idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject describes textual and/or visual information carried by an instance of idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 73 Information Object
This class is a super class of E 36 Visual Item

Georeference Point (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E47_Spatial_Coordinates and therefore "comprises the textual or numeric information required to locate specific instances of crm:E53 Place within schemes of spatial identification". In this domain-specific context idiom:GeoreferencePoint referring to coordinitates specified by the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) used for the identification of a crm:E53_Place as a single point, more precisely a longitude, a latitude and if applicable an altitude coordinate.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 47 Spatial Coordinates

In use

This class is used in alt lat long

Grand Parent (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

Group Type Actor Role (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:GroupTypeActorRole comprisies concepts specifying the role of a crm:E39_Actor during the performance of a crm:E7_Activity. Examples are "king", "sculptor", "warrior", "captive". It also comprises concepts specifying the type of a crm:E74_Group.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

In use

This class is used in profession

Non Epigraphic Group (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E74_Group and therefore "comprises any gatherings or organizations of two or more people that act collectively or in a similar way due to any form of unifying relationship". In this domain-specific context instances of idiom:NonEpigraphicGroup are part of post Mayan society and therefore are not mentioned in epigraphic texts of Classic Mayan society. Examples are: (1) Third CIW Coba Expedition Group; (2) The British Museum.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 74 Group
This class is a disjoint class of Epigraphic Group

In use

This class is used in alternate Name name

Non Epigraphic Person (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E21_Person and therefore "comprises real persons who live or are assumed to have lived." In this domain-specific context instances of idiom:NonEpigraphicPerson are part of post Mayan society and therefore are not mentioned in epigraphic texts of Classic Mayan. Examples are: Teobert Maler (1842 - 1917, a scholar who discovered mayan artefacts), Ernst Fƶrstemann (1822 - 1906, a historian who encoded the Dresden Codex).


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 21 Person
This class is a disjoint class of Epigraphic Actor

In use

This class is used in birth Date death Date family Name given Name

Parent (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

In use

This class is used in child Of relationship Child source Child

Performing Actor (OWL Class) Definition In use

The class idiom:PerformingActor was modeled in order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema. The class allows to express the specific role of an actor when performing in an activity.


The URI of this class is

In use

This class is used in has Actor P 14 1 in the role of performed By

Place Type (OWL Class) Definition

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:PlaceType comprisies concepts referring to the type of a crm:E53_Place.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

Relation (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

Sibling (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

Source (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is a subclass of crm:E73_Information_Object and therefore "describes identifiable immaterial items [...] that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single units." In this domain-specfic context idiom:Source is a reference in form of a bibliographic citation. This reference is used as evidence for assertions about entities described by the schema.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 73 Information Object

Spouse (OWL Class) Definition In use

Due to research practices, it is necessary to reference the relationship between Epigraphic Actors with a literary source. In order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema, the classes idiom:Parent/GrandParent/Sibling/Spouse/Ancestor/DivineTutelary/UnspecifiedRelationship were modeled. The classes indicate the nature of the relationship between two or more instances of idiom:Epigraphic Actor (e.g. parent, spouse, sibling etc.). These classes allow to give a idiom:Source to each relationship statement.


The URI of this class is

In use

This class is used in relationship Spouse source Spouse spouse Of

Technique (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is subclass of crm:E55_Type an therefore "comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes". In this domain-specific context idiom:Technique comprisies concepts referring to the technique used during a crm:E12_Production of an idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 55 Type

In use

This class is used in P 32 used general technique

Visual Document (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class is subclass of crm:E22_Man-Made_Object and therefore describes "physical objects purposely created by human activity". In this domain-specific context idiom:VisualDocument describes all objects, that are designed to document visual information about instances of idiom:Artefact. Those objects are bound on physical material like paper or hard disk and are hold by an institution or a person. Examples are photographs, drawings, rubbings and genuine digital objects (photographs, 3D-models) showing a monument, a part of a stela or a ceramic bowl.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of E 22 Man Made Object


acquisition Type , activity Title , activity Type , actor Name , actor Name Type , additional Identifier , alt , alt Actor Appellation , alternate Name , archaeological Coordinates , artefact Type Preference , assigned By , attribution Type , bibliographic Citation , birth Date , calendar Era , child Of , collection , condition Type , creator , current Custody , custodian , date , date , death Date , depth Relief , descendant Of , description , diameter , divine Tutelary , dynastic Count , explorer , exposure Above Floor , family Name , finding Spot Of Remains , form Of Existence , former Custody , gender , geonames ID , given Name , gnd ID , grandchild Of , gregorian Date , group Type , haab Input , haab Unit , has Actor , has Archaeological Coordinates , has Confidence Level , has Digital Object , has Georeference Point , has Shape Type , has Unit , has Unit Weight , has Visual Content , height , height Butt , height Low Carving , height Sculptured Area , identifier , identifier , identifier Type , in Situ , inventory Number , is Qualified By , is Referenced By , is Shown By , lat , long , longcount , name , naming Related Activity , note Id , orientation Of Artefact , P 1 is identified by , P 100i died in , P 102 has title , P 107i is former or current member of , P 108i was produced by , P 113i was removed by , P 121 overlaps with , P 122 borders with , P 126 employed , P 128 carries , P 12i was present at , P 131 is identified by , P 138 represents , P 14 1 in the role of , P 14 carried out by , P 16i was used for , P 17 was motivated by , P 2 has type , P 22 transferred title to , P 23 transferred title from , P 24i changed ownership through , P 3 has note , P 32 used general technique , P 41i was classified by , P 42 assigned , P 43 has dimension , P 44 has condition , P 46 is composed of , P 62 depicts , P 7 took place at , P 70 is documented in , P 74 has current or former residence , P 87 is identified by , P 89 falls within , P 90 has value , P 91 has unit , P 98i was born , pagination , performed By , perimeter , place Name , place Name Type , place Type , position Of Artefact , pref Actor Appellation , preferred Title , producer , profession , related Activity , relation , relation , relationship Child , relationship Descendant , relationship Divine Tutelary , relationship Grandchild , relationship Relation , relationship Sibling , relationship Spouse , rights , secondary Finding Context , shape Description , sibling Of , source , source Child , source Descendant , source Divine Tutelary , source Grandchild , source Material , source Relationship , source Sibling , source Spouse , source Technique , spouse Of , tgn ID , thickness , title , title , title Type , type , type Of View , tzolkin Input , tzolkin Unit , visual Document Title , visual Document Type , was Found At , weight , width , width Base Carving , width Sculptured Area

acquisition Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:acquisitionType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of an crm:E8_Acquisition.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 8 Acquisition
This property is a sub property of type

activity Title (Property) object property Definition

idiom:activityTitle is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:activityTitle indicates the title of a crm:E7_Activity.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a sub property of title

activity Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:activityType is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus". In this domain-specfic context, idiom:activityType allows to type a crm:E7_Activity with concepts of idiom:ActivityType.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

actor Name (Property) object property Definition

idiom:actorName is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:actorName is the appellation of a crm:E39_Actor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 82 Actor Appellation
This property is a sub property of title

actor Name Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:actorNameType is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus". In this domain-specfic context, idiom:actorNameType allows to type an crm:E82_Actor_Appellation with concepts of idiom:ActorAppellationType.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 82 Actor Appellation
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

additional Identifier (Property) object property Definition

idiom:additionalIdenifier is a subproperty of crm:P1_is_identified_by and therefore "describes the naming or identification of any real world item by a name or any other identifier". In this domain-specific context, idiom:additionalIdentifier asserts zero or more identifier to an idiom:Artefact. Additional identifers of an idiom:Artefact are related to the artefact's history and/or used in context of research to identifiy an idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 42 Identifier
This property is a sub property of P 1 is identified by

alt (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary of W3C Semantic Web Interest Group.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Georeference Point

alt Actor Appellation (Property) object property Definition

idiom:altActorAppellation is a subproperty of crm:P131_is_identified_by and therefore "identifies a name used specifically to identify an E39 Actor". In this domai-specific context idiom:altActorAppellation indicates alternative appellations for a crm:E39_Actor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a sub property of P 131 is identified by

alternate Name (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Group

archaeological Coordinates (Property) object property Definition

idiom:archaeologicalCoordinates is a subproperty of crm:P3_has note. In this domain-specific context the property indicates the archaeological coordinates of a crm:E53_Place.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Archaeological Coordinates
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

artefact Type Preference (Property) object property Definition

idiom:artefactTypePreference is a right or false descision answering the question if an instance of idiom:Artefact is the preferred artefact type of the TWKM project. By this the TWKM project defines a research statement by regarding a specific artefact type as the preferred one.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 17 Type Assignment

assigned By (Property) object property Definition

idiom:assignedBy is a subproperty of crm:P14_carried_out_by and therefore "describes the active participation of an E39 Actor in an E7 Activity". In this domain-specific context the property describes the participation of a crm:E39_Actor in a crm:E17_Type_Assignment. It specifies the actor responsible for the assignement of the artefact type of a idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 17 Type Assignment
The range of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a sub property of P 14 carried out by

attribution Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:attributionType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore indicates the type of the "nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of attribution of the given idiom:Source.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Source
This property is a sub property of type

bibliographic Citation (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Source

birth Date (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Person

calendar Era (Property) object property Definition

idiom:calendarEra is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the era of the given gregorian date: before common era or common era.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date
This property is a sub property of type

child Of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by "RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Parent
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

collection (Property) object property Definition

idiom:collection is a subproperty of crm:P3_has_note. It allows to mention the collection in which an idiom:Artefact is aggregated in during an idiom:Custody.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Custody
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

condition Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:conditionType is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus". In this domain-specfic context, idiom:conditionType allows to type an crm:E3_Condition_State with concepts of idiom:ConditionType.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 3 Condition State
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

creator (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document

current Custody (Property) object property Definition

idiom:currentCustody is a subproperty of crm:P12i_was_present_at and therefore "describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role". In this domain-specific context idiom:currentCustody indicates that instances of idiom:Artefact are currently held in an idiom:Custody.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
This property is a sub property of P 12i was present at

custodian (Property) object property Definition

idiom:custodian is a subproperty of crm:P14_carried_out_by and therefore "describes the active participation of an E39 Actor in an E7 Activity". In this domain-specific context the property describes the participation of a crm:E39_Actor in a idiom:Custody. A custodian is an actor, person or group, responsible for the care of a idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Custody
This property is a sub property of P 14 carried out by

date (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document

date (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 5 Event

death Date (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Person

depth Relief (Property) object property Definition

idiom:depthRelief is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the depth of a relief of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

descendant Of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by "RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Ancestor
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

description (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Entity
This property is a super property of shape Description

diameter (Property) object property Definition

idiom:diameter is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the diameter of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

divine Tutelary (Property) object property Definition

idiom:divineTutelary is a subproperty of crm:P3_has_note. It indicates a idiom:EpigraphicActor who is a protective deity for the described idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Divine Tutelary
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

dynastic Count (Property) object property Definition

idiom:dynasticCount is a subproperty of crm:P3.has_note.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Epigraphic Actor
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

explorer (Property) object property Definition

idiom:explorer is a subproperty of crm:P14_carried_out_by and therefore "describes the active participation of an E39 Actor in an E7 Activity". In this domain-specific context the property describes the participation of a crm:E39_Actor in a idiom:Discovery. An explorer is an actor, person or group, responsible for the discovery of a idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Discovery
The range of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a sub property of P 14 carried out by

exposure Above Floor (Property) object property Definition

idiom:exposureAboveFloor is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the exposure above the floor of the plain butt of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

family Name (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Person

finding Spot Of Remains (Property) object property Definition

idiom:findingSpotOfRemains is a subproperty of crm:P74.former_or_current_residence and therefore "describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor". In this domain-specific context the property describes the location (crm:E53_Place), where the human remains of an idiom:EpigraphicActor where found. An example: the human remains of K'inich Janaab' Pakal (idiom:EpigraphicActor) where found in a tomb within the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque (crm:E53 Place).


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Epigraphic Actor
The range of this property is E 53 Place
This property is a sub property of P 74 has current or former residence

form Of Existence (Property) object property Definition

idiom:formOfExistence is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:formOfExistence indicates the form of being (human or mytholoical) of an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Epigraphic Actor
This property is a sub property of type

former Custody (Property) object property Definition

idiom:formerCustody is a subproperty of crm:P12i_was_present_at and therefore "describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role". In this domain-specific context idiom:formerCustody indicates that instances of idiom:Artefact were formerly held in idiom:Custody.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Custody
This property is a sub property of P 12i was present at

gender (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 21 Person

geonames ID (Property) object property Definition

idiom:geonamesID is a subproperty as owl:sameAs. The range is limeted to the URI given by Geonames.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place

given Name (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Person

gnd ID (Property) object property Definition

idiom:gndID is a subproperty as owl:sameAs. The range is limeted to the URI given by the GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) of the German National Library.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 39 Actor

grandchild Of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by "RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Grand Parent
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

gregorian Date (Property) object property Definition

idiom:gregorianDate describes a calendar date given in form of the Gregorian calendar system.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

group Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:groupType is a subproperty of crm:P2.has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus". In this domain-specfic context, idiom:groupType allows to type crm:E74_Group with concepts of idiom:ActorRole.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 74 Group
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

haab Input (Property) object property Definition

idiom:haabInput describes the numeric cooefficient of the Mayan Haab calendar. The Haab calendar is a repeating calendar describing a solar year, consisting of a name for a month and a numeric cooefficient.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

haab Unit (Property) object property Definition

idiom:haabUnit describes the name of a month given by the Mayan Haab calendar. The Haab calendar is a repeating calendar describing a solar year, consisting of a name for a month and a numeric cooefficient.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

has Actor (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:hasActor is used to relate an idiom:PerformingActor to crm:E39_Actor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Performing Actor
The range of this property is E 39 Actor

has Archaeological Coordinates (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasArcheologicalCoordinates is a subproperty of crm:P87_is_identified_by. The property specifies the appellation of a crm:E53_Place as idiom:ArcheologicalCoordinates.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
The range of this property is Archaeological Coordinates
This property is a sub property of P 87 is identified by

has Confidence Level (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasConfidenceLevel is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore indicates the type of the "nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the level of certainty of the given idiom:Source.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Source
This property is a sub property of type

has Digital Object (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasDigitalObject is a subproperty of dc:relation. In this domain-specific context idiom:hasDigitalObject gives a URI of a digital image representing a idiom:VisualDocument.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document
This property is a sub property of relation

has Georeference Point (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasGeoreferencePoint is a subproperty of crm:P87_is_identified_by. The property specifies the appellation of a crm:E53_Place as idiom:GeoreferencePoint.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
This property is a sub property of P 87 is identified by

has Shape Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasShapeType is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus." In this domain-specific context idiom:shapeType exclusively types instances of idiom:Artefact with concepts of idiom:ArtefactShapeType.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Artefact Shape Type
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

has Unit (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasUnit is a subproperty of crm:P91_has_unit. The property shows the type of unit referring to the measured dimension in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a sub property of P 91 has unit

has Unit Weight (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasUnitWeight is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_unit. The property shows the type of unit referring to the measured weight expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 91 has unit

has Visual Content (Property) object property Definition

idiom:hasVisualContent a subproperty of crm:P106_is_composed_of and therefore "associates an instance of E90 Symbolic Object with a part of it that is by itself an instance of E90 Symbolic Object". In this domain-specific context an idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject is composed of parts which contain textual and/or visual information. idiom:hasVisualContent relates the parts which contain visual information, instances of crm:E36_VisualItem, to its idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Epigraphic Information Object
The range of this property is E 36 Visual Item

height (Property) object property Definition

idiom:height is a subproperty of crm:P90.has_value. The property allows to indicate the height of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

height Butt (Property) object property Definition

idiom:heightButt is a subproperty of crm:P90.has_value. The property allows to indicate the height of the plain butt of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

height Low Carving (Property) object property Definition

idiom:heightLowCarving is a subproperty of crm:P90.has_value. The property allows to indicate the height above the lowest carving of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

height Sculptured Area (Property) object property Definition

idiom:heightSculpturedArea is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the height of the sculptured area of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

identifier (Property) object property Definition

idiom:identifier is a subproperty of dc:identifier and therefore is "an unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context". In this domain-specific context, idiom:identifier is a project-specific reference to identify an idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
This property is a sub property of identifier

identifier (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of identifier inventory Number

identifier Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:identifierType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of an crm:E42 Identifier.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 42 Identifier
This property is a sub property of type

in Situ (Property) object property Definition

idiom:inSitu is a right or false descision answering the question if an instance of idiom:Artefact is still placed at its discovered archaeological site.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact

inventory Number (Property) object property Definition

idiom:inventoryNumber is a subproperty of dc:identifier and therefore "an unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context". In this domain-spedific context idiom:inventoryNumber is a local indentification number given to a idiom:VisualDocument by the holding institution, repository or person.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document
This property is a sub property of identifier

is Qualified By (Property) object property Definition

idiom:isQualifiedBy is a subproperty of crm:P3_has_note. In this domain-specific context the property allows to specifiy the precision of the given idiom:Date.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

is Referenced By (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Entity
The range of this property is Source
This property is a super property of source Child source Descendant source Divine Tutelary source Grandchild source Material source Relationship source Sibling source Spouse source Technique

is Shown By (Property) object property Definition

idiom:isShownBy is a subproperty of crm:P62i_is_depicted_by and therefore "identifies something that is depicted by an instance of E24 Physical Man-Made Thing" (the superclass of E22 Man-Made Object). In this domian-specific context, idiom:isShownBy identifies an idiom:VisualDocument showing an instance of idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Visual Document

lat (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary of W3C Semantic Web Interest Group.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Georeference Point

long (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary of W3C Semantic Web Interest Group.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Georeference Point

longcount (Property) object property Definition

idiom:longcount describes a calendar date given in form of the Long Count of the Mayan calendar system. The Long Count is a non-repeating calendar counting the number of days passed since the mythical creation date of the Maya.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

name (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Non Epigraphic Group

naming Related Activity (Property) object property Definition

idiom:namingRelatedActivity is a subproperty of crm:P12i_was_present_at and therefore "describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role". In this domain-specific context the property associates a crm:E82_Actor_Appellation to a idiom:Activity, which can be associated to the act of the naming of an idiom:EpigraphicActor. An example is the ruler name Pakal I. (crm:E82 Actor Appellation) is associated with his enthronement (idiom:Activity).


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 82 Actor Appellation
The range of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a sub property of P 12i was present at

note Id (Property) object property Definition

idiom:noteId is a subproperty of crm:P3_has_note. In this domain-specific context the property indicates the identifier of a crm:E42_Identifier.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 42 Identifier
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

orientation Of Artefact (Property) object property Definition

idiom:orientationOfArtefact is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus". In this domain-specfic context the property allows to describe the orientation, position and bonding of a idiom:Artefact during its finding in a idiom:Discovery with concepts of idiom:ArtefactOrientation.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Discovery
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

P 1 is identified by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of additional Identifier P 102 has title P 131 is identified by P 87 is identified by

P 100i died in (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 21 Person

P 102 has title (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 35 Title
This property is a sub property of P 1 is identified by

P 107i is former or current member of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 39 Actor
The range of this property is E 74 Group

P 108i was produced by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 12 Production

P 113i was removed by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 80 Part Removal

P 121 overlaps with (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
The range of this property is E 53 Place

P 122 borders with (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
The range of this property is E 53 Place

P 126 employed (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
The range of this property is E 57 Material

P 128 carries (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Epigraphic Information Object

P 12i was present at (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a super property of current Custody former Custody naming Related Activity P 16i was used for was Found At

P 131 is identified by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a sub property of P 1 is identified by
This property is a super property of alt Actor Appellation pref Actor Appellation

P 138 represents (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 36 Visual Item
The range of this property is Entity

P 14 1 in the role of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2. The property "allows the nature of an Actor's participation to be specified."


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Performing Actor

P 14 carried out by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 7 Activity
The range of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a super property of assigned By custodian explorer producer

P 16i was used for (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a sub property of P 12i was present at

P 17 was motivated by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
The range of this property is E 39 Actor

P 2 has type (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of activity Type actor Name Type condition Type group Type has Shape Type orientation Of Artefact place Type

P 22 transferred title to (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 8 Acquisition

P 23 transferred title from (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 8 Acquisition

P 24i changed ownership through (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 8 Acquisition

P 3 has note (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of archaeological Coordinates collection divine Tutelary dynastic Count is Qualified By note Id position Of Artefact

P 32 used general technique (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
The range of this property is Technique

P 41i was classified by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 17 Type Assignment

P 42 assigned (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 17 Type Assignment

P 43 has dimension (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 54 Dimension

P 44 has condition (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is E 3 Condition State

P 46 is composed of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Artefact

P 62 depicts (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 22 Man Made Object
The range of this property is Entity

P 7 took place at (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 5 Event

P 70 is documented in (Property) object property Definition

This property describes the IDIOM Entities documented by instances of crm:E31_Document. In this domain-specific context the range of the crm:P70_is_documented_in is a crm:E31_Document is limited to the URI of the TEI-record which contains the machine-readable represenation of the idiom:EpigraphicInformationObject.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Epigraphic Information Object

P 74 has current or former residence (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a super property of finding Spot Of Remains

P 87 is identified by (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
The range of this property is E 48 Place Name
This property is a sub property of P 1 is identified by
This property is a super property of has Archaeological Coordinates has Georeference Point

P 89 falls within (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
The range of this property is E 53 Place

P 90 has value (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a super property of depth Relief diameter exposure Above Floor height height Butt height Low Carving height Sculptured Area perimeter thickness weight width width Base Carving width Sculptured Area

P 91 has unit (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a super property of has Unit has Unit Weight

P 98i was born (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by Erlangen CRM 150929 based on CIDOC-CRM 6.2


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 21 Person

pagination (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by version 2.2.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Source

performed By (Property) object property Definition

idiom:performedBy was modeled in order to avoid the use of reification in the IDIOM schema. The property relates an crm:E7_Activity to the class idiom:PerformingActor, which allows to express the specific role of an actor when perfoming in an activity.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 7 Activity
The range of this property is Performing Actor

perimeter (Property) object property Definition

idiom:perimeter is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the perimeter of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

place Name (Property) object property Definition

idiom:placeName is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:placeName is the appellation of a crm:E53_Place.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 48 Place Name
This property is a sub property of title

place Name Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:placeNameType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of an crm:E48_Place Name.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 48 Place Name
This property is a sub property of type

place Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:placeType is a subproperty of crm:P2_has_type and therefore "allows sub typing of CRM entities - a form of specialisation - through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus." In this domain-specific context idiom:placeType exclusively types instances of crm:E53_Place with concepts of idiom:PlaceType.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place
This property is a sub property of P 2 has type

position Of Artefact (Property) object property Definition

idiom:positionOfArtefact is a subproperty of crm:P3_has_note. In this domain-specific context the property allows to give a description of the position of the idiom:Artefact found during the described idiom:Discovery. Examples are "in front of the buildng A", "on the plaza", "inside the burial chamber".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Discovery
This property is a sub property of P 3 has note

pref Actor Appellation (Property) object property Definition

idiom:prefActorAppellation is a subproperty of crm:P131_is_identified_by and therefore "identifies a name used specifically to identify an E39 Actor". In this domai-specific context idiom:prefActorAppellation indicates the preferred appellation of a crm:E39_Actor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a sub property of P 131 is identified by

preferred Title (Property) object property Definition

idiom:preferredTitle is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:preferredTitle is the preferred title of an idiom:Artefact.ļ»æ


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
This property is a sub property of title

producer (Property) object property Definition

idiom:producer is a subproperty of crm:P14_carried_out_by and therefore "describes the active participation of an E39 Actor in an E7 Activity". In this domain-specific context the property describes the participation of a crm:E39_Actor in a idiom:Production. A producer is an actor, person or group, responsible for the production of a idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
The range of this property is E 39 Actor
This property is a sub property of P 14 carried out by

profession (Property) object property Definition

idiom:profession is a subproperty of gndo:professionOrOccupation. In this domain-specific context idiom:profession indicates the profession or occupation of a crm:E21_Person.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 21 Person
The range of this property is Group Type Actor Role

related Activity (Property) object property Definition

idiom:relatedActivity is a subproperty of dc:relation. In this domain-specific context the property allows to relate a crm:E5_Event to a crm:E7_Activity. The nature of the relation is not further specified.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 5 Event
The range of this property is E 7 Activity
This property is a sub property of relation

relation (Property) object property Definition

Scope Note as defined by ontology.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Relation
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relation (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of has Digital Object related Activity

relationship Child (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipChild is used to relate an idiom:Parent to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Parent
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Descendant (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipDescendant is used to relate an idiom:Ancestor to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Ancestor
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Divine Tutelary (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipDivineTutelary is used to relate an idiom:DivineTutelary to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Divine Tutelary
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Grandchild (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipGrandChild is used to relate an idiom:GrandParent to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Grand Parent
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Relation (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipRelation is used to relate an idiom:Relation to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Relation
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Sibling (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipSibling is used to relate an idiom:Sibling to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Sibling
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

relationship Spouse (Property) object property Definition

In order to avoid reification, the property idiom:relationshipSpouse is used to relate a idiom:Spouse to an idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Spouse
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

rights (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document

secondary Finding Context (Property) object property Definition

idiom:secondaryFindingContext indicates if a idiom:Artefact found in the described idiom:Discovery is or is not placed at its original location.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Discovery

shape Description (Property) object property Definition

idiom:shapeDescription is a subproperty of dc:description and therefore is "an account of the resource." In this domain-specific context idiom:shapeDescription is a specific characterisation of the shape of an idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
This property is a sub property of description

sibling Of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by "RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Sibling
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

source (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document

source Child (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceChild is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:childOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is the child of another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Parent
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Descendant (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceDescendant is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:descendantOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is the descendant of another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Ancestor
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Divine Tutelary (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceDivineTutelary is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:descendantOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is the divine tutelary of another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Divine Tutelary
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Grandchild (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceGrandchild is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:grandchildOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is the grandchild of another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Grand Parent
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Material (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceMaterial is a subproperty of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate an instance of idiom:Source to the statement indicating which crm:E57_Material was employed during a crm:E12_Production.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Relationship (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceRelationship is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:descendantOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is related to another idiom:EpigraphicActor in an unspecified way.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Relation
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Sibling (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceSibling is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:siblingOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate an instance of idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is a related to another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Sibling
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Spouse (Property) object property Definition

idiom:sourceSpouse is a reification of idiom:EpigraphicActor rel:spouseOf idiom:EpigraphicActor. It is a subpropery of dcterms:isReferencedBy and allows to relate a idiom:Source to the statement indicating which idiom:EpigraphicActor is the spouse of another idiom:EpigraphicActor.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Spouse
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

source Technique (Property) object property Definition

{{No description available}} info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 12 Production
This property is a sub property of is Referenced By

spouse Of (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by "RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Spouse
The range of this property is Epigraphic Actor

tgn ID (Property) object property Definition

idiom:tgnID is a subproperty as owl:sameAs. The range is limeted to the URI given by the TGN (Thesaurus of Geographic Names) of the Getty Research Insitute.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 53 Place

thickness (Property) object property Definition

idiom:thickness is a subproperty of crm:P90.has_value. The property allows to indicate the thickness of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

title (Property) object property Definition

idiom:title is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:title is the appellation of a idiom:Artefact.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 35 Title
This property is a sub property of title

title (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of activity Title actor Name place Name preferred Title title visual Document Title

title Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:titleType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of an crm:E35_Title.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 35 Title
This property is a sub property of type

type (Property) object property Definition

Scope note as defined by DCMI Metadata Terms.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of acquisition Type attribution Type calendar Era form Of Existence has Confidence Level identifier Type place Name Type title Type type Of View visual Document Type

type Of View (Property) object property Definition

idiom:typeOfView is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:typeOfView specifies the type of how instances of idiom:Artefact are shown on instances of idiom:VisualDocument. Examples are "front view", "left side", "top".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document
This property is a sub property of type

tzolkin Input (Property) object property Definition

idiom:tzolkinInput describes the numeric cooefficient of the Mayan Tzolkin calendar. The Tzolkin calendar is a repeating calendar describing 260 days, consisting of a name for a day and a numeric cooefficient.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

tzolkin Unit (Property) object property Definition

idiom:tzolkinUnit describes the name of a day given by the Mayan Tzolkin calendar. The Tzolkin calendar is a repeating calendar describing 260 days, consisting of a name for a day and a numeric cooefficient.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Date

visual Document Title (Property) object property Definition

idiom:visualDocumentTitle is a subproperty of dc:title and therefore "a name given to the resource". In this domain-specific context idiom:visualDocumentTitle is the title of an idiom:VisualDocument.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document
This property is a sub property of title

visual Document Type (Property) object property Definition

idiom:visualDocumentType is a subproperty of dc:type and therefore describes "the nature or genre of the resource". In this domain-specific context the property specifies the type of an idiom:VisualDocument. Examples are "photo", "dia", "drawing".


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Visual Document
This property is a sub property of type

was Found At (Property) object property Definition

idiom:wasFoundAt is a subproperty of crm:P12i_was_present_at and therefore "describes the active or passive presence of an E77 Persistent Item in an E5 Event without implying any specific role". In this domain-specific context idiom:wasFoundAt indicates that instances of idiom:Artefact were discovered during an idiom:Discovery.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Artefact
The range of this property is Discovery
This property is a sub property of P 12i was present at

weight (Property) object property Definition

idiom:weight is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the weight of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

width (Property) object property Definition

idiom:width is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the width of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

width Base Carving (Property) object property Definition

idiom:widthBaseCarving is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the width at the base of the carving of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value

width Sculptured Area (Property) object property Definition

idiom:widthSculpturedArea is a subproperty of crm:P90_has_value. The property allows to indicate the width of the sculptured area of an idiom:Artefact expressed in crm:E54_Dimension.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is E 54 Dimension
This property is a sub property of P 90 has value


IDIOM Schema
IDIOM Schema